Professional Medical Diode Laser Manufacturer
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Optimal Medical Diode Laser System With Latest Technologies

Offer You Safe, Effective, Comfortable Laser Treatment

Manufacturer Focusing On Medical And Surgical Laser Systems

Dimed Lasers has consistently delivered the most innovative technologies in medical laser market.


The undisputed classic mini diode system 30watts (15watts+15watts) with dual /three
wavelength technology


Affordable, portable, and efficient diode laser with model 30watts 1064nm, 15watts 1470nm


60watts high intensity-revolutionizing dosage levels

Medical Laser Applications

Dentistry, PLDD, high-intensity laser therapy, spider vein removal,
nail fungus treatment, veterinary, endovenous laser treatment, hemorrhoids…



Podiatrist Laser Treatment Podiatry Lasers are always used to reduce treatment pain, avoid or minimize hospital confinement, and enable ...

Latest Dimed News

Dimed Laser news, health and medical articles, such as medical treatment technologies,
laser therapy techniques, exercise tips, health maintaining knowledge and etc.

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